What the HELL ~!!!

hahahaha!! even after being repeatedly told by the...
Mukho - Feb 3, 2008
hahahaha!! even after being repeatedly told by the author of this blog 2 me in person dat dis blog aint funny i jus cnt stop finding this extremely hillarious... But once im done emptying out my stomach full of laughter... On a much more serious note the title is so apt-WAT THE HELL!! i mean imagine someone hittin you for no apparent reason... its like fight club in real life... the guy must have really been a lunatic or completely wasted to take pleasures out of such insanely sadistic but in his own way entertaining situations in life... il jus be wondering what gokul would do if he saw that bum again in the train... hit back or try to clear the controversy about this sudden unexpected attack
Feb 3, 2008
ha ha ..we all have had our laughs priyam..stop gloating around
and to answer ur query..well if see him again , i swear il beat the shit out of him , and yeah if he is still alive id ask him why he hit me in the 1st place..
Mar 6, 2008
geeezzzzz.....ever since i first heard this....'what the hell!!??' has been my only reaction!! i wonder y ppl like priyam n others find this hilariously funny....
my sympathies with u gokul !!