OOTY 2009

well this is a summary of my trip commencing on the 7th January 2009 and concluding on the 14th.
DAY 1[Mumbai] - (drunk,caught,train)
this day we took the train from kurla terminas while completely drunk just in time. We got in and the train left , phew was close. Not much of an eventful day , as we had some tasty chicken biryani Ricky's mom prepared for us. We slept like new born babies only to wake up late next morning.
DAY 2 [en route ]- ( Terror Terrance )
This is the day in the train when we met this guy nick named " Terror Terrance ". Well Terrance if you are reading this , then i must tell you , it was great meeting you and hope everything works out for you. Well not too many events in the day again , in the train only.
DAY 3 [Coimbotore/Ooty] - ( The bus & the Resort )
We reached coimbotore at 6 in the morning. We took a bus to Ooty from the bus stand at 7:30 am. The bus fare was an unbelievable 32 Rupees. We coudn't believe it. It might be the most satisfying bus journey I've had. We reached Ooty at 11. Now comes the resort part , i was told by my cousin's mom ( my cousin who i am visiting in Ooty ) that my cousin was staying in an apartment and not at his hostel. When i went to his so called apartment , i realized that my aunt was wrong , he wasn't staying in an apartment , the fricking ass was staying at a resort. The apartment was nothing short of a resort. In fact holiday inn ( a 4 start hotel/resort) was just above the place he was staying. Whole day we spent lazing around , went down for lunch , had one of the tastiest onion dosas. Night we made a small bon-fire and lazed around drinking. We rented a big room in a hotel just 5 mins walking distance from my cousin's apartment. We went to sleep at 2 in our rooms. The walk down to the room at 2 in the night was one of the most exciting ones. We saw a very very weird phenomena (i hope it was true). We saw a big concentric ring around the moon , when we looked up the sky. It was magnificent.
DAY 4 [Ooty]- (boating,pine forests}
There have been very few days in my life which was as event full as this one. 10th January 2009 will go down in my calendar as one of the most amazing days of my life. memory is hazy since its been almost 5 days since that day. The only aspect i can remember is that we rented a sumo to visit the best places in Ooty. We went boating at a very beautiful lake. Then moving on , we went to a very big forest. I wish i can remember all we did , as it was so much. Absolutely fantastic , i cannot describe the feeling , its simply too much to describe in plain words.
Another highlight of the day was , that Liverpool drew with stoke giving Manchester united the opportunity to gain points on Liverpool when they play Chelsea the next day.
DAY 5 [Ooty]- {madness,chelsea thrashed}
I forgot to mention one main part of the trip , the fricking food. If you can imagine how gods would sit on their grand tables and eat food , well then thats what we ate. We ate like kings , in fact the kind of food we were eating , i doubt even some of the past kings mite have eaten like that. I am not exaggerating , the food was simply brilliant. Talk about meet , vegetable , fast food , junk food , juice , alcohol , milkshake , blah blah..u name it and we've had it. That's why day 5 , our stomachs were upset. Cannot remember most of the day , was really a crazy day , was sloshed nearly most of the day. The highlight of the day was united thrashing chelsea 3-0. It was the best icing on the already so delicious cake. Day 5 was a very tiring day.
DAY 6 [Ooty/Coimbotore] - {ghajini & empty theatre)
We bid farewell to a great trip at Ooty and left for Coimbatore in the afternoon. We reached Coimbatore in the evening. Sid left for his flight at 6 while Ricky went to sleep in the room we booked for nights stay at Coimbatore. The rest of us went to watch ghajini at a local hindi cinema hall in Coimbatore. It was a tough task finding the place , never before in a theatre have i seen so many different sections. Here in Mumbai one has balcony and stall. Out there , there is deluxe , balcony , upper stall , 1st class , 2nd class and 3rd class. We paid 60 bucks for a deluxe seat in an almost empty theatre to watch what is probably a very very poor Amir khan movie. We had a great time in the room afterwards playing cards till late in the night.
DAY 7 [en route]- (unexpected train buddy)
Only last night did we find out that Karan was travelling with us in the same train to Bangalore. It was a big surprise. The day was quite okay , we slept in the train which left Coimbatore at 8:30 am.
DAY 8 [Mumbai] - (home sweet home....NOT}
Generally after a trip , its not all that a bad feeling to go back to your own toilet , your own bed etc..but it was not the case. The trip was too short for me to miss my home. we reached Mumbai at 2:45 pm.
well i guess this should serve as a good reminder of the trip.
Ps i wrote this blog so that I wouldn't forget the memories I've had in this trip :)